Tuesday, March 30, 2010

going grocery shopping

let's see if I can find some fruit today..

Or wait! I can't wait to eat lunch :)

This are truly hilarious!!!!
I love the projects from ImprovEverywhere

Monday, March 29, 2010

I got a little job..

my kinda job - White fabric I'm coming back!! And today I feel like I'm finally going back to my world even if in very, very small portion:)  I'm SO happy! :)

Must be the fact I've got nothing with me I can work with, no means to buy my tools, and haven't worked on wedding gowns for a time that seems forever.. I feel so inspired! Sometimes all you need is a simple pencil and start drawing on some rough paper and see what happens :)  I feel kinda like Katie Sokoler in her day of live blogging creation.

{by Color me kate I LOVE her work oh SO much I can't tell you!!  / via Elsa bags and Say Yes To Hoboken}

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rain-boots painted by.. YOU

I love to put colors in to gray rainy days.
For some reason in Europe winter and gray days are usually colored by dark tints. And here I'm talking mostly about Switzerland, Italy and the countries around it. I don't really get it, I mean usually when it rains it's already gray enough. Why then put on a black jacket, black shoes, black skirt and .. black umbrella? Oh you rarely see an umbrella that sticks out of the normal black, and that would be... mine hahahahaha!
I put color whenever there is a chance. My umbrella is red, my boots brown (always better then black), and scarfs are made to have one of each color you like :)

Keiner zu klein, Künstler zu sein ~ None is too young to become an artist

"There's no way I want to have my kids grow up in dark boots and dark umbrella".

Couple years ago, this was one of the reasons I was giving myself to move out of the beautiful city of Zürich that I loved so much, but where it rains and it's grey 9 months a year:

Thank goodness, art and colors are available now:
Art-painting days at Globus all around Switzerland.
For only SFR.10.- you get a pair of kids boots and you get to use all the accessories to make your very own piece of art on it. Love the idea! Great price too :) Vive la Suisse!!

Basel 17. und 20. März (14-17 Uhr)
Bern City 17. März (13-16 Uhr), 20. März (10-16 Uhr)
Bern Westside 24. März (13-17 Uhr), 27. März (10-16 Uhr)
Chur 24. bis 27. März
Genf 24. März (11-18 Uhr), 27. März (11-17 Uhr)
Glattzentrum 30. März bis 3. April
Lausanne 17. bis 20. März
Locarno 2., 3., 6. und 7. April
Luzern 17. bis 20. März
Neuchâtel 14. und 17. April
St. Gallen 17. bis 20. März


a word of color, sunshine and fun

What a great project this is. Tartelette posts a "French Word a Week" and I just discovered it today?? Love it! I actually just got to use some of my French this past week-end yippiiii :) It always makes me happy to use those words in my mouth :) Three Swiss in Portland, even if for few hours, it's been fantastic to jump to 3 different languages just for fun. 

This totally reminded me about Ch. & my project to have "Italian Mondays" which we haven't been good at, .. at all. At Christmas Ch. picked up so much Italian, but since we've been back from Switzerland we have been so busy, life has been so crazy full of changes. The few hours we actually see each other there's no time for teach-&-learn. I should try a little harder. I think I'm the one that has a problem sticking with it. It's much easier to learn then to teach sometimes.. patience involved :)

Mmmmm yammi Pamplemousse is one of those words that makes you giggle, smile from the inside out, see colors and shine! I just love the fact you can even listen to the pronunciation here. Now tell me, how can you just not go back to Tartellette to hear more? I will.. love her work, recipes and photography.
Just a great way to start your day :)

{picts. by Tartelette / giveaway included ends today.. I know, I've find out a little late..}

Friday, March 26, 2010

snowing petals

that's how I feel today ~ Happy Spring!!

when photography, style and nature find the best of each other
(greenhouse wedding)

{Inspirational story, more pict. and credits by/via Frolic and via Project Wedding}

Palate.. mind and soul

A new cook book from one of my favorite food stylist, photographer and writer.. coming out SOON!

Oh gosh I LOVE her work! I'm not gonna miss this one :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

rain drops..

perfect weather to make some candles

Wow how long is it been since I've made some of this??? Way too long. Silver and I did enjoy using some new technics in the making of some very beautiful candles. I had never even heard of ice candles before.
I should post an how to one of this days. For now I think this is a very cute one and very, very simple way to spend an afternoon in cozy sweat and socks :)

Teacup Candle

How to Make Candles
You'll need wax, wicks, putty, a pencil, and a candy thermometer, all of which can be found at a craft store such as Michaels. Wax is sold in blocks, sheets, and shavings, to be melted on a stove or in a microwave.

Pouring the Wax
Wrap one end of the wick around a pencil. Set pencil on egg cup, suspending the wick. With putty, secure wick's metal clip to bottom of cup. In a double boiler, melt wax according to package directions; use a candy thermometer to gauge temperature. Pour wax in cup; allow to fully cool. Trim wick to 1/4 inch. Now.. enjoy!

{by Country Living}

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

scents of Spring

Finally Spring is here
I love love love this time of year, in fact it has been my favorite since.. always I think.
The colors, flowers, the new amazing scents of nature in the air and.. the sun :)

I love Portland, it is so much a place where you can really enjoy the best of this season. Walking around here is so dang normal.. It brings me back to my origins, back home in Switzerland. I love it here.

{Portland - Rose Garden - Spring '10}

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I really need a sewing machine! {Sewing challenge}

I don't think I've said it out loud enough yet, but YES I do need a sewing machine.
I was supposed to make so many things by now, but .. what can I say. You get married, change country, live with 2 suitcases for few months thinking that is gonna change and then you realize after a year 1/2 that's still all you have hahaha! Crazyyy, but ooooh I would do it again in a heart bit!

Now my question is, how do you win a sewing machine if you don't even have one to start with??

Well, for those of you that have the chance don't wait a second, Bernina sewing machines are top quality! Yep talking about being SWISS! hahaha!
All you have to do is reinvent the Two Ton Apron (pdf) by Kathryn Goodman. Important take a look at the Rules of challenge, and get to work!

Two Ton Apron the how to.. can't be easier then this. The fun part is the creativity and imagination you can put in it. So get creative ladies!

{via burdastyle}

Monday, March 15, 2010

commercial that speaks creativity ~ kindle

how can you not just LOVE this.. I just can't stop watching it over and over and over again.. what can I say? Makes me giggle, smile and move all at the same time :)
Troppo bello, magnifico! Some things you just have to say it in your own language, that's it.

First in the series of stop-motion TV commercials for Amazon Kindle created by photographers Angela Kohler and Ithyle Griffiths, and starring actress Annie Little. Original song "Fly Me Away" written and performed by Annie Little.

Second in the series of stop-motion TV commercials for Amazon Kindle created by photographers Angela Kohler and Ithyle Griffiths, starring actress Annie Little and model Ryan Curry. Original song "Stole Your Heart" written and performed by Marcus Ashley and Annie Little.

Not to mention how I love Annie Little & Angela Kohler's work. Read how all this was possible.. I love this story.
I just can't wait to see more! Cause, there's gonna be more, right? .. Please? :)

{via Shadeclothing}

Friday, March 12, 2010

simple little warm photo shots

cause today outside is raining.. 
this brought me warmth :)

Ok.. maybe I am missing my husband terRribly now looking at the pictures I chose hahaha! Can't wait for the week-end to be here already!!

{picts. by amazing Stephanie Williams Photography~beautiful, beautiful way of capturing such special events. Love it!}

Thursday, March 11, 2010

inspired to be inspiring

today after a long time I got back on the thought to start working on my collection again.. it's been a while. Actually I feel like it's been forever and looking back well, almost 2 years IS forever.
I really can't wait to get back to my work. I'm "craving" it!

beautiful gown by Rosa Clara

Saturday, March 6, 2010

moving.. brings ideas and memories

I've been looking at apartments for the past week 1/2, and I'm so done with it. I think the only thing I like about moving is the "dreaming" side of it. You know, when you are making a list of things you wish to have in your new apartment or home.. in the near future.

This is one of them ~ by anthropology ooooh and I love, love, love it!

My mom used to have a vintage mirror very similar to this one.
For some reason when I was little I loOoved to go in her room and look in her beautiful mirror.
It made me dream.. and now we all know that I love anything that makes me dream :)

I guess it is still stuck with me cause it made me like this pieces so much

{pict. by Anthropology, the Orchard, Ballard Design, and here}
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