Monday, May 31, 2010

{Ruffle me please} gardening & cute tutorials

This days I've spent a good amount of hours gardening. Lots of squash, flowers, tomatoes, salad, and more is growing. It has been a great way to recharge in the beautiful nature, fresh air and warm sun beams. It's been a great way to do my daily workout, my body is  pain.. Thinking that my dad used to do this every day, all day long, from early morning until the sun goes down at night, well wow.. I miss him. He's now just laying down and not more conscious. It is hard to watch and so.. out to garden a little more.

Ruffle Tutorials:
Ruffle shirt by Tea Rose Home, Fabric Poms by Once Wed, Trimming scarf by Alifosterpatterns, Ruffle pillow by Kelly+Olive

beautiful picts by Style me Pretty, pattern Ruffle Pillow by UptownJane on etsy

Friday, May 28, 2010

happy 5 SwissMiss

and that's how the Swiss party.. :) 
I love their Studio booth. Something tells me there was a lot to drink :)

Hey but the party is not over! For more info about joining the celebration in NY or virtually wherever you are by posting a picture of yourself go here. Let the Swiss in you come out! hahaha!

{Studio booth, via SwissMiss}

Thursday, May 27, 2010

small delicate memories

I'm not sure what it is. But I think it has to do with being back home at my parent's house, seeing my dad dying that brings all tuns of memories in my mind.
When I was little I used to play in the nature so much. I was never tired of being in fresh air, green grass, colorful flowers and singing birds. One of my favorite things to do was waiting outside in the garden for my dad to come home. I would check the road, looking down the very end of it to see if I could start seeing his head peaking up from the hill. Then I would start running down to jump in his arms for a big kiss.

this dress is absolutely deliciously so delicate!

My sis and I used to share a room growing up. We didn't have much but my dad always made sure to create something new for us every time we needed something. Like new tables, chairs, pillows. After all being an upholster & decorator pays back in wonderful ways. Our room was full of colors, different materials and cozy vintage toys that made our world a dreamy one. 

{dress by Trelise Cooper, picts. via Small Magazine}

I heart drawings

love this ones

Lisa Chow amazing art and creativity reminds me of Vladimir Kush, in a more simple way. I love it!!
Lisa's shop on etsy is here.

{Lisa Chow, via small magazine}

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

a new world

If you look close enough you might recognize the items of this amazing photography...

A totally new atmosphere by stylist Lo Bjirulf, for Ikea's new catalog! This is one you WANT to get in your mail box. Honestly I   r e a l l y  can't wait to see more.

Mini Style

I just love this "little things". Can't you tell I just can't wait to have some little girls to spoil?? mmm yea.. I do :)

{by mini style}

Zurich-San Francisco

I've actually already taken this Swiss air plain from Zurich to San Francisco before. It's pretty cool. Available only in summer time, it makes the trip so much better. I loved it.
Now that I live in California, nonstop from west coast directly to Switzerland? Yes thank youuuuuu!

The news is that there's an open competition to win two business class tickets for a once in a lifetime trip to San Francisco.
Now this is the part I like.. You've got to sing babe!! Yep you heard me. And you are gonna do it with flowers in your hair :)
If right now I would have more time for myself I would totally do the video karaoke "Sing Francisco" for a chance to win. I think we really need more people trying, cause in my opinion there isn't much creativity in the videos submitted. So take a chance and win it!

{thanks to Sara who just wanted to see me singing :) You are lucky.. If I was still in Portland you bet I would drag you up to the Rose Garden with me to make some cool video!!! hahahaha}

Sunday, May 23, 2010

yummy mummy accessory

yes honey, I want one.. !

Now all I need is a kid.. or two? :)

I know you want to see it, here it is. Bike for 2 transforming in to a stroller in 20 seconds flat. Pretty amazing and oh so cool! Did I mention I'd like one? Yes I want one :)

Now talking about amazing, Lisa story it is! I found it via makeyouover and I just couldn't stop readying. It is so inspiring. When you talk about challenges for mothers.. Oh gosh there are so many out there. Thank you Lisa for sharing yours :)

{Pict. by Meg, bikes by Taga Bike}

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tableau Noir "fixe&Flex"

I love practical useful things.. and for that Vive la Suisse! hahaha

great idea and cheap too

Betty Bossi has done it again :) Love her products!
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