Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Qualcuno ha fame!

Aurora now on puts on her Minnie Mouse headband for eating.
She looooOOves spaghetti, do it to the movie "The Elf"... and NO, she doesn't eat it with chocolate, m&m's or else.. just the normal stuff. Must be the real Italian in her hahahaha(:
What else... going to the movies with her? She'll keep the big popcorn's bucket for herself (:
Oh she could say no to chocolate (not to Christian..) but she looooOves meat and ice cream .... like her aunty (:


Kjerstin said...

Gotta say, I like her already!! Pasta is my favorite and I always hog the popcorn at the movies!! Aurora, you and I would definately be friends!! hahaha

Naomi Alice said...

well, tell you what if you wait till tomorrow, I'm sure she'll replay to you(; she loves to write.. wait and see(:
She is adorable (:

Oh gosh and I'll have to make you try some good pasta then hahahahaha(: I love to cook

Kjerstin said...

Christian told me that you were a gourmet cook which is awesome because I'm seriously thinking of going to culinary school!!! I love cooking!! :D

I'll wait until tomorrow, so excited!

Naomi Alice said...

fhgfhhfrfgrfyffgyg ryruut5ygyedegryfrtf eryryry4rtrtyt
I love Kjerstin forever come here play with me

I love Kjerstin forever

yey3r4ryyryrttftfy kjerstin
I love Christian forever

fnvjbmvnbbvggthghhrgfgrtyytytyyfgtygyty34ry yrr
I love Maci too

bye bye


P.s. she told me what she wrote and I wrote it underneath.. hahaha, she loves everyone. Maci is my brother Massimo.

Naomi Alice said...

you are kidding right? Gourmet cook? I wish, I mean I love to cook so much that I wouldn't mind at all to be a cook (: I'm sure once we'll find ourselves together in a kitchen we'll have some fun hahahahaha(:

Kjerstin said...

I have no doubt, if my brother knows anything, I have to say he is pretty good judge of food and if he says you're a good cook then I know it's true :)

I'm always up for some cooking time in the kitchen!! Especially if we are making pasta!!

I love you to Aurora!! I can't wait until we can meet in Atlanta and get to play together with Gabby and Charity!! It'll be so much fun!! :D

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