For an early birthday present for my husband we went to watch Where The Wild Things Are. Yes cause of all the things, this was probably the one he would like the most (he's getting 6 gifts this year.. do to his age ending with a 6).
We loved it so much! The funny thing is that because of the weird work's schedule my husband has lately, we ended up going on Monday morning at 11am. Do you know what that means? It means it was the schedule for Mom & kids movie time. We were the only couple with no kids. And beside the lights were not all off the entire time, babies crying, people walking around, we were just hooked to the movie and didn't noteced all that was going on. It really took us in a different world, the same world we were as kids.. or for some the same as they are in it now hahaha!
A fort's contest? I bet my husband would have gone crazy if we would have known it on time. Booooooom challenged readers to build their own fort, just like Max does in the movie. They posted all the entries, and winners, and oh how fun to take a look of other people's creativity. Here are some of my favorite, but go on if you want to see them all.