Sunday, March 28, 2010


a word of color, sunshine and fun

What a great project this is. Tartelette posts a "French Word a Week" and I just discovered it today?? Love it! I actually just got to use some of my French this past week-end yippiiii :) It always makes me happy to use those words in my mouth :) Three Swiss in Portland, even if for few hours, it's been fantastic to jump to 3 different languages just for fun. 

This totally reminded me about Ch. & my project to have "Italian Mondays" which we haven't been good at, .. at all. At Christmas Ch. picked up so much Italian, but since we've been back from Switzerland we have been so busy, life has been so crazy full of changes. The few hours we actually see each other there's no time for teach-&-learn. I should try a little harder. I think I'm the one that has a problem sticking with it. It's much easier to learn then to teach sometimes.. patience involved :)

Mmmmm yammi Pamplemousse is one of those words that makes you giggle, smile from the inside out, see colors and shine! I just love the fact you can even listen to the pronunciation here. Now tell me, how can you just not go back to Tartellette to hear more? I will.. love her work, recipes and photography.
Just a great way to start your day :)

{picts. by Tartelette / giveaway included ends today.. I know, I've find out a little late..}


Crisinha Rocha said...

oi querida, bem interessante seu blog, muito mesmo!!!!!
Estou sorteando um template no meu blog, template lindo, entra lá e confere!

Naomi Alice said...

Grazie mille!!!

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