Thursday, July 22, 2010

{living in a garden} one day..

Where do you dream to live one day? No really, have you ever thought about it, or have you given up already? In my case I'm still dreaming, and it definitely starts with a garden. Since the very beginning I told my husband that I'll never want a big house, but a garden for sure :) Can you picture it? A little house in a big garden?

Oh man, I had to laugh so hard for excitement when I actually found an extremely cute picture of what my dream looks like.. only I have much more details in mind and, very important, my entrance door is red :) I love this home, a d o r a b l e!

{by home ideas}

p.s. by the way, yea that would be me on a bicycle coming back from a farmer's market with flowers.. yep :)


kalanicut said...

Sounds DIVINE! Can't wait to see you get it! :)

Naomi Alice said...

hahaha thank you no kidding! Now I'm still trying to figure out where this home actually is. It seems like I can't get the right information.. Not giving up, NOP!

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